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Wednesday, February 02, 2022
By Aurora Photography & Design
What to pack in your hospital bag - St. Louis fresh 48 hospital newborn photographer
The big question every mom thinks as you are nearing your due date is "What should I take with me to the hospital?" How stressful! I remember that feeling of thinking I'm going to forget something or not have something. When my daughter was born guests were very limited with covid protocols so it wasn't very feasible for people to bring us things. I started packing pretty early on just incase we were sent over to the hospital side from one of our appointments. I suggest packing the earlier the better, so you will not feel rushed and forgetful. However, if you take your time and baby decides its time to come before you're ready, you will survive! The hospital will have all of the basics that you will need for both of you. Just remember to buy a car seat. All other items that you pack along will be for personal preference or for comfort.
For those that are unsure what types of things the hospital can provide, don't worry I gotchu!
Now, every hospital is slightly different; but in general these are items that were offered to me, or friends/clients in our local hospital groups (Mercy, Missouri Baptist, St. Lukes, etc). To double check feel free to call ahead to be sure if a general item is available. When I had my daughter I wasn't even told about my in room breast pump until day three, when the NICU asked where I was storing my pumped milk. Don't be like me; be informed before you go!
- The Big Green Pacifiers
- Diapers (generally Pampers)
- Wipes (generally Pampers sensitive)
- Rags to use as Burp cloths
- Receiving / Swaddle Blankets
- Hospital Grade Breast Pump and parts
- Medications you are on or will need
- Premade Formula in 2oz bottles (if you’re not breastfeeding or need to supplement)
- Baby hat and little shirt with easy access to security bands
- Diaper cream
- Bulb Nose sucker
- Toiletries for mom - shampoo/bodywash/mouthwash/toothbrush/toothpaste
- Comb
- Lotion and Soap for bathing (typically Johnson and Johnson brand)
- Lanolin (great for chapstick, hand cream (although greasy) and nipple barrier)
- Pads and mesh undies for mom
- Tucks / witch hazel
- Peri Bottle
- Drinks / limited snacks in the kitchenette
- Pillows and Blankets for mom and dad
- Tummy Binder for c-section mamas
- Ice Packs
- Vasoline
- Nipple Shields
- Water Cup
Baby is pretty simple since they provide a lot of the items already. They even sent me home with extra formula and diapers to stock the diaper bag while I was there. So most of these items are optional!
- Diaper bag
- Coming home outfit
- Fresh 48 session outfit if you hire a photographer
- Additional outfits if you want to dress baby (2-3)
- Mittens
- Alternate brand diapers/wipes- My daughter was allergic to the wipes provided
- Boppy
- Car seat + car seat cover if its cold
- Personalized items or name announcement props
- Swaddles if you want to try something different than the hospital has
Packing for mom is a little more challenging. Sometimes we don't know what we will want, or are indecisive. I am very much an overpacker, by nature. So there may be a lot of items I wanted but you won't need! I also had a baby in peek wedding season so had to be prepared incase I needed information for one of my wedding clients/backup photographers - sooooo I brought work with me (and I'm glad I did).
- Bodywash / Lotion / Shampoo / Conditioner - if you want something specific
- Nursing Pads
- Hairbrush / Hairties / Clips / Loofa
- Deodorant / Chapstick / Dry Shampoo
- Long Cell Phone Charger
- Glasses / Contacts
- Robe / Comfy PJ / Sleep Mask
- Comfy Large Post Partum Undies / Nursing Bra or Bralettes
- Lounge Pants - loosefitting / Shirts / Leggings
- Non Slip socks / Flip Flops or House Shoes
- Your coming home outfit
- Makeup / Hot Tools if you want to prep for photos or guests
- Haakaa
- Special Blanket or Pillow
- HeadPhones / Laptop / iPad + Chargers
- Personal Camera / Go Pro
- Snacks and drinks - hospital items are generally $$ if not provided in the kitchenette
- Toilet Paper (Sounds silly, but I was so thankful someone told me this!!!)
- Something for downtime - for me I brought a coloring book and color pencils
- Essential Oils - lavender / peppermint etc were basics for me
Sometimes dads can come and go. So this may not be as dire or strict to pack for. My husband stayed with us almost the entire time and we had a c-section and nicu stay so he didn't want to leave.
- Flip Flops / House Shoes
- Cash for vending machines
- Shirts / Shorts / Pants / PJ / Undies
- Outfit if you have photos scheduled
- Snacks / Drinks
- Toiletries - Hair Products / deodorant / tooth brush
- Phone Charger
- Laptop / Tablet / Headphones
- Medicines
- Pillow / Blanket
- Power Strip to charge all the things
Don't forget, many things you pack; you have to bring home with you! I swear we looked like we moved in, the transport person when we left was laughing at us. Although we did have a 5 day stay during covid (no extra visitors); and didn't take things down to the NICU before we discharged; and had all our photo gear from a wedding that weekend. So we were a little extra. I also packed for 4 days JUST IN CASE we had a c-section; which no one ever wants unexpected; but I'm glad I did because we had an emergency cesarean and a bonus day stay. So we used nearly everything we packed and sent hubby out for more drinks / snacks to save a little extra money. ALSO a rolling suitcase makes it much easier to get things in and out.
You can bring as much or as little as you would like; there is no wrong way to pack.
Need to Schedule your Fresh 48 or Newborn Session?
What else did you bring or would you recommend for moms to pack? Comment below!