St. Louis Children Photography - Ally
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Friday, May 17, 2019
By Aurora Photography & Design

Hey guys!

Today I have a real treat for you, which comes in the form of miss Ally. You can tell from the pictures that this kiddo is so sweet, super fun, and full of life. We were going for a glam and fashion style of look for her session. She has so much life and personality and it shows in these images. 

The first set we were working with was a gorgeous purple tutu style dress paired on the bed set, and it was super cozy and gave the POPS that we love with color. By the end little Ally just wanted a nap - haha in all fairness it was like 8:30am and she had a couple hour drive to get to us. So it was a long morning haha.

We met up at our studio in Benton Park, which I loved because it gave us the opportunity to do the indoor set, and then move outside to the park right down the street for some super fun looks too!

A fun fact Ally's mom shared with us was that "My child is sassy and does not meet a stranger. You have been forewarned lol!." As you can see, her mom, Vonda, has a lot to be proud of. This is so true, Ali took a couple minutes to warm up, and maybe some candy bright and early, but within 20 minutes she was coloring us a picture we have hanging in the studio, and just hanging out like a friend we have known for years! She was a pretty cool kid, I can't wait to watch her continue to grow. Sorry Vonda your stuck with me :)


Speaking of parents, Vonda did a really wonderful job choosing outfits and props for our session. When asked if she had any advice on planning your own sessions she said “Parents, relax, Jennifer is amazing to work with! You will be at ease and so will your children ,” she said. I second that info! Just remember not to stress! Kids pick up on the tension of their parents and its okay to just breath. 

Okay, moving on to what you've been waiting for. For your viewing pleasure, more pictures of miss Ally!!


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